In A Flash! The Story of A Miracle

Kim Justus share her shocking story with us on Never Say Impossible.  A piercing pain suddenly shot through Kim’s brain, like a bolt of lightning snapping and tracing through the sky. An ordinary day was instantly transformed into a fight for survival. Soon she...

Cancer! I Can Beat This!

  Carol Purcell is the author of the book, Cancer – I Can Beat This! Over the past 36 years she has taught science with an emphasis on cancer research and prevention. During those years, she won numerous awards for excellence in education. However, during...

Is Mental Toughness Enough?

Everyone speaks about toughness and believes they have utilized their mental muscles at various times in their life.  The question I am asking now is, ” have you really pushed youeself to the limit and was it enough to get you over the bump is the road”?...

A Rags To Riches Story You Will Not Forget.

What separates some people from others, is their perseverance, determination, and their spirit to ‘never give up’ until they achieve their dreams. We have all heard these inspiring tales of success and they alway motivate us to keep on working on our...