Hunger must end

Never Say Impossible Radio interviews Fatoumata Doumbia Hunger is an issue that cannot be ignored no matter where it occurs. Click here to listen to Fatou’s heart felt interview. or click the arrow  Hunger is not what we think of when we think of Africa? Most of...

Are you a secret author?

Never Say Impossible Radio Interviews author Barbara Ehrentreu Are you an author or do you just wish you could become one? I had an interesting conversation with a fiction author this week by the name of Barbara Ehrentreu. Our conversation brought me back to my first...


Dancing on our Disabilities Radio interviews Eladio Amores about special employment Eladio Amores Director of Employment  Partnership [email protected] Goodwill means the we want the best for everyone. Are we practicing goodwill?  Family!  What does it mean to...

Are you looking for a great career?

Never Say Impossible Radio interviews Neely Young   Neely is Someone you should know Are you looking for a great  career? Looking for employment  or a great career is often very stressful.  It is most difficult when you are out of work and feeling desperate. Rejection...