ZEN BENEFIEL talks to NSI Radio
Zen Benefiel is an author, life coach and possibilities coagulator who puts people, places and things together to do some pretty cool stuff. He has an MA in Organizational Management, MBA in Project Management and Secondary Teaching Certification from the University of Phoenix, as well as Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy certification from Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.
An adoptee, ‘contactee’ and near-death experiencer makes him unique. Garnering the wisdom of his work in a variety of industries as a project leader empowers his ability to lead with uncommon sense and style while bridging diverse perspectives to achieve common goals. Zen believes anything is possible when people, places and things are aligned with purpose.
His professional experience includes aerospace production management, health food sales management, public event coordination and logistics management, secondary and post-secondary teaching and pre-construction partnering workshops for building, road and bridge construction projects.
He has authored over a dozen books on topics ranging from ‘alien’ agendas to intense personal development to using LinkedIn.com to build business revenue. He currently serves as a transformational life coach and business development specialist for small business concerns. He conducts regular self-awareness workshops that include guided sessions into realms few know exist, let alone visit. You can find out more about Zen be visiting his coaching and professional services website at BeTheDream.com.
Just wanted to drop by and say ‘Thank you!’ Myra. I really enjoyed our conversation and I trust your guests will be engaged as listeners… maybe even curious about the Multi-Plane Awareness technique I mentioned. Just in case, I’ll share the direct link to the page here: http://www.BeTheDream.com/multiplane1.htm
Never say impossible… and everyone has a dream. Be The Dream… YOURS!
It was an interesting conversation indeed. You are welcome back anytime to dig deeper in the future.