Grieving takes time and is something we all face at one time or another


NSI & DOOD Radio interviews

Pat Fedina

Pat Fedina CEO and founder of Care Mangers of South Florida.Inc.

Pat Fedina CEO and founder of Care Mangers of South Florida.Inc.


Grieving is a painful process

The grieving process can make you stronger spiritually. It’s one of the greatest emotional pains that one can experience.  When you lose someone you love, it is very difficult to accept the loss and simply go on with life.  Unfortunately, most of us do not escape the grieving process.  At some point or another we will all have to experience it.  Some individuals seemed to experience more than their share of grief.  Often this happens in families that are large and extended.  We grow up feeling close to our grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings and children.  Time and life’s complications separate us physically along our paths on this planet. We move away from each other geographically due to a variety of reasons.

Grieving begins when you discover you are losing a loved one

When illness enters the picture we find ourselves grieving and feeling helpless to give the appropriate care to our loved ones.  Some of us will sacrifice our own conveniences to give the comfort and the love which is desperately needed as the illness progresses and the end of life is near.

Grieving and sympathy are synonomousPat Fedina is a true caregiver and an exceptional human being.  She has sacrificed to be there during times of need not just for her immediate family, but for her extended family as well.  Grief can make you grow stronger.  Pat did not collapse during times of crisis.  She remained strong and a true support for her entire family. You are going to love this lady.

Never Say Impossible & Dancing on  Our Disabilities Radio is pleased to introduce you to Pat Fedina.  Pat is open and giving. We all know that at some point we will either need care or we will become a caregiver.  It is for that reason that Pat has written her first book “ No Time To Grieve.” She has a story that is almost unbelievable and heartbreaking.  Above all it is inspiring.  If you believe as I believe, anything is possible when you believe it is and Pat is living proof.

Pat Fedina’s new book

No Time to Grieve

Pat said God gave her the title of her published book; No Time to Grieve “Give Me My Flowers While I Yet Live” in 2011, after the deaths of her Mom, Father, Grandmother, Sister, Brother and four other immediate family members. Pat shares  some of her most intimate times and family experiences in No Time to Grieve, as well as the joy and pain of loving and losing a loved one. But her faith and trust in God was never in doubt and the reassurance of knowing that she gave flowers to those she loved while they were living.

Pat has extensive, personal experiences with spiritual growth, elder care, terminal illness, hospice care, bereavement, and final arrangements. Her personal and professional experiences have prepared her to help others in their time of need. She believes God was preparing her for the many challenges to come.

After the publication of her book she was inspired to become the founded of, Care Managers of South Florida, Inc. CMOSF is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization, whose mission is to advocate and facilitate for elderly, disabled adults and family caregivers who are faced with the challenges of receiving the medical and personal care needed to live a quality life.

In addition, her life with faith website helps others to strengthen their spiritual commitment and further better prepares them to live with the challenges of caring for loved ones and coping with their grieving process before and after the passing of their loved ones.


About Pat Fedina Founder & CEO

Pat Fedina is the Founder & CEO Care Managers of South Florida, Inc.  Pat Fedina, is an experienced caregiver and author. Her book shares her many experiences with caregiving and the many challenges that comes with it. Pat’s open and candid accounts of her hands-on approach to managing the care of her loved ones during their time of need is a true inspiration for anyone faced with the role of “Caregiver”. Pat’s experience as a caregiver, stellar taskmaster, advocate, and facilitator in addition to her 23-year career as a Customer Service Professional has prepared her for the seamless transition to serving her clients in her home state of Florida as a Care Manager. For more information regarding Care Managers of South Florida’s services, workshops and local support groups for Caregivers, call Pat. After Pat Fedina looked back on her life from even the age of six, she remembers always wanted to help anything or anyone that was in need of help. She has come to understand her calling, to become a Care Manager.

Pat Fedina President & CEO

Phone: (844)894-8911 or (561)478-2273


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