Work environments can be uplifting or down right depressing. If you dislike going to work it will have a negative effect on your mindset for most of your day.
NSI & DOOD Radio Interviews JoAnna Brandi
Click here to listen to JoAnna’s interview on NSI Radio
What’s the story behind great work environments?
Work environments that are positive can build profits, trust, reliability, and can create a happy work atmosphere. Many organizations do not put a lot of emphasis on what their employees are feeling during working hours. Profitability is the focus regardless of the happiness level within the business or corporation. It is a huge oversight to place little emphasis on this issue. Most people living on this planet would choose to experience a sense of well-being and happiness over misery and frustration. It is a well-known fact that happiness is one of the most sought after emotions since the beginning of time. So why is there so little of it in the workplace?

Work environments that promote productivity and happiness also see growth in their bottom line profits
Respect for company leadership is a key part of a successful work environment
As I think back to my past employments, there is one memory which remains unforgettable. At that particular time, I was an account executive within a large corporation. My direct leader was generally loved by everyone under his supervision.
It almost did not matter that the atmosphere within the corporation was one of negativity. My supervisor earned our respect and admiration. We wanted to succeed not only for our own growth but to prove that his belief in our ability was warranted. The company was going through a huge overhaul and power transfer. People were leaving in droves. However, our division stayed strong, loyal and constantly exceeded our goals. Approximately one year later, he too moved on. His replacememt did not have a clue about how to lead, inspire, and motivate our team. Several of us left shortly after that.
What does that tell us about work environments across the board?
In my opinion, it is crucial to the success of any business to ensure that their employees have a sense of contentment. All employees want to feel their work is of value. If negativity spreads from one employee to another it can actually help sink the ship and ruin a business. Cleaning house does not work because it does not take long before another round of negativity sets in. It is a contagious attitude. The Census Bureau reports that we spend about 30% of our lives on the job. These statistics make it easy to understand why a happy environment is important at work. If you are unhappy with the job, it is likely that you will be generally discontent. Daily frustration at work will also creep into the personal lives of the employees. Negative work environments are bad news from every perspective. When change is needed it must come from corporate leaders and new policies. Creating a positive workplace starts at the top and has a trickle-down effect.
Is it all about leadership on the job that creates happy work environmemts?
Here are a few questions one can ask about your employees.
Is there in-fighting within certain divisions?
Have you noticed employees stealing time?
Do you or any of your supervisors chastise workers openly?
Do you take employee complaints seriously?
Is there an incentive given for outstanding achievement?
Are your employees jealous of one another?
Do customers complain about the service they receive?
We are all human and we all make mistakes. However, do you hone up when you have made the mistake?
Today on NSI Radio, we are going to talk to a coach and business advisor who focuses in helping companies turn a negative atmosphere into a positive one. Her name is JoAnna Brandi and she is going to share some of the most important tips that any business should know when creating a positive attitude within their organization.
About JoAnna Brandi
JoAnna Brandi is the author of several books. They include “54 Ways to Stay Positive in a Changing, Challenging and Sometimes Negative World” and the upcoming book “How Good Can You Stand it? Positivity Habits That Help You Turn Happiness into a Habit.”
She is a graduate of Dr. Martin Seligman’s Authentic Happiness Coaching program and a Founding Member of the Positive Workplace International.
President of JoAnna Brandi & Company, Inc. for 26 years, she spends most of her time in the corporate world helping clients activate the link between positivity and profitability through “Exquisite” Customer Care and Positive Leadership training.
She is Publisher of the Customer Care Coach® a leadership training program. She is the author of two books on Customer Retention and Loyalty.
For the last 18 years she serves as a speaker for Vistage – the world’s largest CEO Peer-to-Peer group organization and draws her clients from a wide range of industries and sizes.
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