One of the greatest humanitarian organizations
All about the The Red Cross and Laura Golden

Senior Officer, Major Gifts at American Red Cross Greater Palm Beach Area Chapter-beautiful inside and outside.
Never Say Impossible Radio interviews Laura Golden
One of the greatest humanitarian organizations is the Red Cross. Did you know that the Red Cross has a long history of providing charitable services to the public? It is the oldest benevolent organization. The non-profit was founded in 1881 by Claire Barton in Washington, D.C. Amongst humanitarian organizations, the Red Cross stands out worldwide. It is comprised of volunteers willing to put their lives on the line for the needs of others. The Red Cross depends on donors, and employees to run the entire workings of this non-profit and keep the wheel’s turning. They respond to numerous disasters within the United States every single year. If there is an earthquake, fire, flood, disease epidemic, terror attack, hurrican, they are there helping to save lives. The Red Cross works tirelessly with the military, veterans and their families by arranging emergency communications, training, and providing support.
The Red Cross is the largest supplier of blood and blood products in America. They supply 40% of America’s blood supply. Their community services assist people to be prepared before a crisis actually happens through training.
Worldwide, the Red Cross is known to work along side other humanitarian organizations. They have a network of 13 million volunteers in 187 countries. It was originally founded in 1863 by a Swiss philanthropist by the name of Henry Durant. Another fact that is not commonly known is that the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement have won three Nobel prizes for their outstanding work. What we do recognize is that when a crisis occurs, such as natural disasters, war, and outbreaks of infectious diseases, the organization is always there providing medical assistance and pharmaceuticals as needed. It is an organization that we associate with kindness, caring, generosity, and love. We know that it is devoid of bias and bigotry. The Red Cross is there when human beings are experiencing injustice, human hardship, and suffering. Their mission is to support mankind through their voluntary and humanitarian services.
What type of person chooses to work in this capacity? Certainly one who puts the needs of others before their own. NSI Radio is pleased to introduce you to Laura Golden, who is a Senior Officer at the Red Cross.
About Laura Golden:
Laura Golden is a Major Gifts Officer with the American Red Cross South Florida Region. She was born and raised in South Florida. Upon graduating from Amherst College, Laura returned to Florida to begin a career in the financial services industry. After six years as an investment consultant, she decided to make a career change and pursue her passion for philanthropy. Having come from a medical family and experiencing decades of hurricanes in South Florida, she decided to join the American Red Cross in March of 2013 as a fundraiser.