Dancing On Our Disabilities Radio Interviews James Perdue
Author of One More Play & Preserve Past your Paralysis

Motivational Speaker – Persevere Past your Paralysis – Overcoming Adversity, Inspirational, and Storyteller
Click here to listen to James Perdue
Spiritual growth after extreme adversity or post-traumatic growth can improve the mental state for some individuals after experiencing unusual shocking adversity. We have all read about people who have undergone extreme tragedy but somehow managed to overcome permanent psychological damage. I often refer to these people as resilient. They have the ability to move beyond simply surviving or existing after a devastating experience. They go on to rebuild their lives with a renewed spiritual strength. Certain individuals actually experience a period of emotional growth. They are able to move beyond the disappointment and pain and transition through the depression, which inevitably follows, and rebuild their entire life. They create a new norm and renewed passion.
Spiritual growth can occur when an individual has suffered beyond what is considered normal adversities. We often learn from those survivors about positive attitude changes and the renewed appreciation and gratitude for life in its simplest form. I am speaking about life-threatening illnesses, combat and war experiences, crime victims, abuse, accidents, and natural disasters resulting in loss of family and loved ones. Some circumstances are so devastating that they are almost unthinkable for most of us to imagine.
We have all heard the old saying, “don’t sweat the small stuff” and unanimously agree that it is a healthy mindset. Why worry over all kinds of insignificant things which actually have very little meaning in the scheme of life. It is the bigger picture that counts and the ability to understand who you are and your purpose in life that really make the difference. Purpose and meaning are key components to creating happiness in your life regardless of how much suffering and adversity you have overcome. Spiritual growth is like an awakening. Often, individuals who have experienced hardships develop outstanding spiritual growth. They have more meaningful personal relationships both with friends and family. They are committed to their endeavors and develop an attitude of positive perseverance.
Dancing On Our Disabilities Radio (DOOD) is pleased to introduce you to one such individual by the name of James Perdue. When you listen to his story I think you will understand that he had a strong will and passion to begin with. However, his desire to be a winner grew more intense and powerful after the accident. James is an inspiration to all who come in contact with him.
Dr. James Perdue’s Bio:
James was a normal 19 year old with expectation of playing professional baseball. He attended Martin Methodist College in Pulaski, Tennessee on a baseball scholarship. With the attitude of being invincible, he was in college for two weeks and played one college game in the fall. Then unexpected tragedy came a calling. On September 11, 1983, James became a quadriplegic from playing a football game. The doctor said, “James, I’m sorry. You’ll never walk again and you might be paralyzed from your neck down.” Later, the doctor advised his family to put him in a nursing home. His accomplishments are evidence of the results: • author of “One More Play” and “Persevere Past your Paralysis.” Profiled in the Storytelling Magazine The Hero’s Journey, ABC, CBS, Fox News, and NBC, Sport Spectrum Ministries Radio and other media. • honored Top Teacher of the Week by Fox News 2005 and Teacher of the Year 2002. • Coach of the Year 2006 and 2000; winning a state championship. • received Jo Andrews Award 1995 and Dr. Hal R. Rammer Award 1991 both for overcoming adversity. • earned a Doctorate Degree from Tennessee State University 2011.
James speaks about spiritual growth and over coming adversity