Arlene Paukert visits NSI Radio

Be prepared for your future
“A man is not a plan,” says Arlene Paukert. “Do you have a financial plan for your future?”
Women have come a long way since the 60’s and are rising to the financial challenges of 2015. As we go through life, all kinds of unexpected incidents can disrupt our financial status and totally destroy our sense of security. Are you prepared for an unplanned catastrophe of any kind that could destroy your financial status? We are all so busy and some women never take the time to create a solid plan.
For most women taking the time to secure their financial future it is not an option. Gone are the days when women left money matters up to the man of the house. Many households are single parent managed. It is a necessity to plan for the possibility of a loss of income due to some uninvited event? What would you do if one of your family members had a sudden illness or accident and you had to take care of them? How would you survive financially if misfortune strikes?
This scenario could happen to anyone at any moment. Being unprepared is more prevalent in women born before 1970. Women over 50 are still struggling with fears of not having enough money for their retirement. My mother and father were divorced by the time I was 5 years old and my mother’s struggled with extreme poverty for many years until she could get back on her feet. My daughters tell me all the time that I was relentless in my preaching to them as teenagers and young adults to rely foremost on themselves. I worried that they would fall into the trap that my mother had experienced when I was a child.
Here are a few useful tips on managing money:
Be sure to have the proper insurance should you be faced with a big health issue.
Don’t be too generous with your grown children.
If you own a home do not borrow from the equity for personal spending.
We are all living longer. Do not retire too early. Social Security benefits grow at about 8% each year that you prolong retirement.
It’s very important to have a finanical plan and an insurance agent. Create a plan you are comfortable with then stick to it!
By now, you are probably thinking about your own financial security. Is your finanial tomorrow rock solid? Do the ” what if ” questions create chills up your spine? If so, you need to listen to Arlene Paukert from The Freedom Force Financial team of Freedom Equity Group, founded by Bryan Daly.
Arlene has a story to share with you that may change the way you think about preparing for the future. She took the time out to visit with Never Say Impossible Radio and share some wonderful alternatives to those awful thoughts that occasionally surface in your mind. In addition, Arlene Paukert will have some great tips for you regarding new funding for your small business.
Click on the arrow below to listen:
Arlene was born and raised in Northern NJ. Before moving to Florida in 2002, Arlene and her late husband built a successful real estate business in Las Vegas. Real estate was very good to Arlene and her husband and they won many office and MLS awards.
They retired to Florida, and began training Realtors on what they needed to do to be successful in the business. Then the bottom fell out. Less than a year after moving to Florida her husband became ill with cancer … and after a long battle he passed away in 2009.
In 2011, Arlene was introduced to the life insurance and retirement planning business and became a licensed insurance professional. That’s when she found a new passion in life … helping women plan for a safe, secure monetary future, and make informed financial decisions for their OWN financial well being – because ” A man is NOT a plan! ”
After joining Freedom Equity Group in December of 2012, and just four months later, she was named Vice President.
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Contact Arlene:
Phone: 561 670-6828
- Small Business Funding Portal
Myra, I want to thank you again for having me on your show. I think we both enjoyed it … could hear it in our voices. I hope we were able to help some people along the way. It’s my passion to educate women AND men to make sure they and their families are protected from unexpected devastating life events.
Arlene, you were simply wonderful. The information you shared was very important and I know that it will benefit many people.