NSI Radio interviews Pam Brooks-Crump


Founder of W.E.C.A.N.

Pam Brooks-Crumps

 Gratitude and frustration are always battling to take control of our thoughts.

Most of us enjoy our world and appreciate any good fortune we experience as we travel through life. Yet at times we still have the propensity to get thrown-off track by a seemingly unimportant, annoying, incident?  That is the moment when frustration moves into the drivers seat, and  gratitude gets pushed aside allowing negative thoughts to pop into our minds.  It is also the moment that petty anger surfaces. These strange feelings pop up even though we know that the key to happiness is not allowing negativity to enter our world and to keep our attitude positive.  Why than can one unexpected confrontational phone call from a co-worker change our good, happy, favorable, up beat mood and turn our mindset into grumpy, frustrated, and angry?  What happened to our feelings of gratitude? It is at that time that we need to connect and share with others who can help calm out restless thoughts and keep us focussed on our missions.

It inevitably seems to be the insignificant irritations during our daily life that can send us in a negative direction. The other day I was late for an appointment and unbelievably every traffic light in my path turned green, just as I was approaching it. It was a wonderful thing, and I made it to the appointment on time with a few minutes to spare. I was thrilled and grateful. I then stopped to buy a cup of coffee with my extra time and proceeded to spill the coffee on my new dress. I forgot about how lucky I was to arrive at my meeting in record time, and proceeded to get annoyed about the big brown coffee stain on my dress. Is it, me, or do you find yourself fretting over the small stuff and forgetting about the all the proceeding good experiences?  I think it is human nature to momentarily forget about gratitude.  However, when you feel weighed down and frustrated, connecting with others , who can support you can be the answer to your frustration.

Pam Brooks- Crumps founder of W.E.C.A.N. is an author, illustrator, speaker, coach and connector of fellow women entrepreneurs.  Pan has created a healing place for women working towards success by encouraging them to support each other through the good times as well as the hard times. She is a skilled communicator and enjoys helping others to work through negative past experiences and move forward with great expectation, gratitude and success.

Never Say Impossible Radio is pleased to  introduce you to Pam Brooks-Crumps.  She is a true entrepreneur and loves to share her knowledge and expertise with others. Pam knows that there is great power in numbers, collaborative thinking, and masterminding.

Find out about the benefits of joining Pam’s W.E.C.A,N. network:

  • Connect with new people, new opportunities, and renew your gratitude
  • Learn new tips on Pam’s free monthly teleconference call
  • Learn all about her coaching programs and books
  • Discover a renewed sense of creativity
  • Join in Pam’s annual pilgrimage to “Talking Stone Wall” and find your true authenticity

Click here to listen to Pam’s interview.Non-Flash MP3 Direct Link 



Pam Brooks-Crump is a leader in her community for women entrepreneurs. She has her MBA, is the published author and illustrator of her ageless picture book which contains the vision for her life and company.
 “We are never alone, we are always connected to Source and that in being our true selves, we begin to live our dreams and earth angels appear to support and uplift!
Her mission is to create a space where women entrepreneurs can feel their Source, be their authentic Selves and to help one another.
She loves fun, real, joy loving, women who continue to grow their lives/bizs through inquiry, support, selfcare and service!!
She is the CEO & Founder of W.E.C.A.N. Coaching and Networking Groups-Women entrepreneurs collaborating and networking.
She has monthly meetings, small clarity and brainstorming groups on line and in person, and private coaching.
She has a free monthly training teleconference called “Tools for your Tool box” and WECAN’s newsletter shares connection tools for entrepreneurs for creating their most awesome biz/life!!

Check out Pam’s book