Lamar Morgan speaks about viral marketing on NSI Radio

NSI Radio

All about marketing

Free is a word stops everyone in their tracks and gets them to check out what could be of value that is offered for free. 

 The very concept of something offered for free is intriguing and creates curiosity.  On the other hand, the word free is deceiving because so much that we enjoy during our life is automatically free.  If you wrote the words free in the sky would anybody understand the message at first glance?  Instead of realizing that nature is free as well as the air we are breathing, most people would look up and be wondering what that word “free” written in the sky was referring to.  I believe that is one of the reasons why social media has become one of the most popular ways to promote just about anything.  People perceive it as free. But is it really free? Time is money to most business people. Don’t you value your time?

Now that I have said that, do you still have faith that there are free opportunities around?  It is hard to believe, but there great values out there for free and  that offer great ROI, even in the world of free enterprise. I am referring to the value of your time as a business person. If you spend a great deal of effort on all the various social media applications you are in a huge game and competing against giants. If you have a great game plan and strategy your odds of making the system work for you will greatly improve. One thing remains obvious, if you want to move up from the minor leagues and join the major leagues, you can not do it alone.  You will need a team or tribe and if you all work together progress will be rapidly achieved.

A few years ago, I was introduced to a man by the name of  Lamar Morgan.  Lamar is an entrepreneur, professional marketer, business columnist, and the founder of Synergistic Business Marketing.  I have used him numerous times to help me gain recognition and visibility throughout the Internet. I soon learned that Lamar’s theories about being successful as a business owner and entrepreneur were all about helping others brand and market themselves in rather unusual ways. Not only does his company offer free innovative ways to network with other business professionals; his PR and marketing techniques are affordable and deliver a high return on your investment. Never Say impossible Radio is honored to have this very enthusiastic, creative, entrepreneur and marketer visiting today. Wait until you hear what he is going to share with you that can vastly improve your visibility and branding on the Internet.

Evergreen Marketing

Evergreen Marketing

 Click on the link to listen to Lamar’s interview:Non-Flash MP3 Direct Link 

 Also available on Stitcher:

Listen to Lamar and learn:

How to effectively network in person.

How to effectively use LinkedIn

How to network for free using your telephone.

How to make the Internet work in your favor.

How to find cost-.effective ways to spread Press Releases about your business

How to get other people to spread the news about you and your business

About Lamar Morgan:

Lamar Morgan is a small business columnist and a collaborative evergreen marketer.  Through his company, Synergistic Business Marketing, he create marketing tools that do not get thrown away.  That means those tools are re-usable. And, that means small businesses, nonprofit organizations and even people in career transition can market themselves more effectively for less money through his company than they can on their own.

Through special collaborative marketing efforts Lamar Morgan helps his clients not only reap the benefits of both “social media marketing” and “traditional marketing,” but he also helps them acheive a “lower cost” and a “higher ROI” (Return on Investment) than what would otherwise be possible through solo efforts that require a standard retail price.

Make no mistake, collaborative evergreen marketing delivers better visibility in the marketplace.  Better visibility for less money is more than the design of Lamar’s company, Synergistic Business Marketing, it is the expectation.