NSI Radio Interviews June Collins of Maxwell’s Pet Services


We all love our pets, don’t we?

How to Keep your pet happy

Approximately, 69 million American households own at least one family pet. I’ve read that 73 million dogs are part of someone’s family; however, cats out number dog owners.  An estimated 90 million households own  one or more cats.

We enjoy the affection we receive from our pets, but are we giving them enough attention to keep them satisfied on a regular bass? I have had many people tell me they would rather be in the company of their pets than a family member with two legs. Personally, I do not quite understand that, but I do believe that it is true in many cases based on the high rate of divorce. It is interesting, and it does leave me wondering if your four-legged pet’s unconditional love and dependency is a lot easier to accept vs a partner that argues back.

The number of new pet owners grows every single year. Statistics show that the general population feels that owning pets enhance their lives as well as their health. We treat them like family members. Most four-legged pets are so domesticated that they sleep in the bed with their owners. Since our pets are accustomed to be treated like part of the family, why do we stop short when it comes to the issue of pet loneliness?  Cats seem to fare better than dogs when left alone.  We spend many hours away from home working. Would you like to be left alone everyday, without freedom, just waiting for your partner to arrive home in the evening? That is why it is so beneficial for seniors to own pets. Both the person and the pet have a companion. The same bond is created for children with pets. It’s all the in-between years that concern me when every member of the household is out all day long.

There is just about everything you can possibly need for your pet on the market.

The pet industry is an amazing one.  Think about all the unusual pet food companies. Not surprisingly, our pets tend to become overweight and need special dietary supplements so that they do not become ill. Domesticated animals seldom get the kind of exercise they need regularly, just like their owners. Pet health insurance companies are springing up as well. You asked for it and you get it. How about their dental care?  Do you brush your dog’s teeth? They get gum disease just like humans. Taking care of your cat’s teeth is not an easy job. I have owned many cats, and they usually do not tolerate or cooperate during tooth and gum hygiene. The point I’m making is that our pets can be high maintenance.

Speaking about dependency, owning an animal of any kind is a huge responsibility. I have never owned a dog but I have owned cats all my life. There are certain sacrifices that come along with pet ownership. It has been said that cats are happiest in their familiar habitat and taking them on long trips can traumatize them. The implication here is of course you will need someone to come in and visit your cat if you go away. Not just to feed and change the litter box, but to help them feel loved in your absence. There are automatic feeders and water dispensers for cats, but they do not replace the touch of a human being.

Dogs are a whole different issue because the amount of time that they can successfully be left alone is much shorter. On average eight hours is the longest any dog should be left independently at home. However, that is stretching it. Perfect would be an afternoon walk after four hours alone. How long can we expect a dog to control their bladder if you cannot get home from work on time? They need to be exercised and just like everyone else they need to feel that they have not been abandoned. If we are going to treat them like part of the family and spoil them, how can we expect them not to develop behavioral problems when they are left alone for too long?

What is the solution? A pet sitter is the perfect answer. Someone who is trained and understands animals that will shower your pet with the attention they need in your absence. It is a small expense compared to the pleasure that your pet brings to you every single day. Never Say Impossible Radio is joined by June Collins the owner and founder of Maxwell’s Pet Services. June has so much to share with you:

Click here to listen to june’s interview and what her services can do for your pet Non-Flash MP3 Direct Link