Dancing on our Disabilities Radio Interviews Author Win Charles

The amazing Win Charles-Author-Artist-Athlete-Winner
Have you asked yourself if you or someone you loved had to deal with a serious mobility challenge or disability, could you keep a positive attitude? Would you be a winner or want to give up and wallow in anger? Sadly, many people take that option and think of the dark side of their situation. They forget that life is what you want it to be and what you are willing to work for. You can win over adversity if you have real perseverance and resilience, no matter what you may have to face. A great deal of energy can be wasted when you feel that you have been cheated in some way by life, or that you are disadvantaged. What you believe and what you think is what you will attract into your life. Taking control of your thoughts and emotions and keeping them positive will undoubtedly improve the quality of your life, whether you are able bodied or challenged.
I recently was introduced to a young lady with so much spunk and vitality that you could not help being impressed by her. She was born prematurely, and came into this world weighing only 1 pound. As a tiny little new life, she fought to survive and was victorious, but she has struggled with the life-altering condition of cerebral palsy. CP results from a lack of oxygen and trauma during birth. That did not stop her from taking advantage of every opportunity to make her life a special one. The same little winner that weighed only one pound at birth is now all grown up and living her life to the maximum. This inspiring young woman feels that complaining never accomplishes anything other than to drive people away from a whiner. Sadly, she lost her mother early in life, but has received great emotional support from her devoted father. The best word to describe Win is winner!
Win is on a mission to inspire other with challenges to keep moving forward and striving to reach their goals and dreams. She is also an athlete, a very talented professional artist, author, and disability advocate. Dancing on our Disabilities Radio is delighted to introduce you to Win Charles:
Click here to listen to a winning interview: Non-Flash MP3 Direct Link
Win Charles:
Win Charles is what is known today as a true inspiration. In her book “I, Win, my journey as a disabled woman living in a non-disabled world” she tells a story of triumph. To speak with Ms. Charles you instantly feel her power and compassion in empowering people to “empower themselves”. – See more at: http://authorwincharles.com/win-author/#sthash.01tKnPTR.dpuf

Winners are loved by everyone. Win Charles is a winner.