Every generation starts off with the basic values that are taught to them by the older generations and their families. That’s a great starting point for any young person and hopefully the backbone of all the information that they are going to learn as they begin to develop their own set of values based on current society. Never before has modern technology offered so much knowledge and education to both youths and the older generations. There is only one way to catch up to the kids and that is through the kids. It is also the only way to keep your mind from growing cobwebs. Too many seniors find it challenging and intimidating to learn the new way of doing things, let alone change some of what they believe. As a result they stay stuck and very often stuck in old thinking means narrow-mindedness.

Grandson Michael and grandma Myra sharing knowledge and gifts with one another

While there is huge value in experience and history, which only comes from living your life for several decades, there is also immeasurable value in new technology and lifestyles of our current generation. It is actually the perfect blend. One becomes wise through experience but very often the result is that they become cautious, mature, and guarded. While few of us will find fault with deciding to be cautious, but if you don’t have curiosity and an overwhelming need to learn new and current technology like the kids , you will more than likely miss the boat and get left behind. You will grow older more quickly.

Leave the checkbook home:

  • Although this has been said many times before, it is worth saying again. Kids; ” listen without judgment to what you’re grandparents and great grandparents have experienced in their lives and are willing to share with you. Learn from it, because their  mistakes can guide you and save you from the wrong paths they have taken”.
  • Grandparents, stop being so critical. Your way was your way, but it does not have to be your grandchildren’s way. We had our chance and we did the best we could with what we were offered in the knowledge that was available to us. But ,I have learned that passing judgment on today’s youth will only bring division and separation between the generations.
  • The time that you spend with another generation is a gift that you give to one another. It is a gift that’s free and it is a gift that is usually never forgotten  by either the grandparent or grandchild.

The value and gift of wisdom can never be underrated. Give your gift of experience freely. Accept the gift and the value of youthful energy, new technology, enthusiasm from the younger generation and your grandchildren.  For those of us who have begun to slide down the mountain it is the fountain of youth.