Why do we always chose the wrong partner?

Ross Rosenberg


Have you ever been in a relationship that was debilitating and unhealthy and gave you the feeling  that you were on the losing end of things in every way. I’m speaking about spiritually, mentally, or even physically. Yet you were drawn to it. You know that it does not feel right, maybe it even hurts and leaves you empty and feeling worthless, but you don’t know how to break the addiction. Perhaps you excuse the negatives and claim the passion derived from the relationship is unbeatable. However, it’s difficult to admit that you are in over your head and secretly you know that you are not thriving or growing within the relationship. The saddest thing about toxic relationships is that they become habitual. What do we do ? It seem so difficult to stop from falling into the same love and passion trap repeatedly. In the end we blame ourselves.

According to Ross Rosenberg,Psychotherapist, Counselor, Professional Trainer, Consultant and Clinical Care Giver,addiction counselorand Author of the Human Magnet Syndrome, there is a lot that we can do to make different choices.  The book is an eye-opening insight into the world of relationships and the mistakes we make.  To get a better idea and understanding click this link  to listen to Ross’s interview on the Never Say Impossible Show .