Paula Cellar


 Paula Cellar, Intuitive Life Coach, Rehabilitation Counselor, and MSW discusses the issue of Acceptance.


The word “acceptance” means different things to us on many different levels.  It is easy to consider yourself accepting of things we know that we cannot change, such as the weather  or the personalities of other people we interact with during our daily activities.  On a larger scale, it becomes a bit more challenging to be “accepting” of things we know we can change.

If you do not have enough money and you do not like your current vocation, you are probably not accepting of the situation.   The problems arise when you continue to do something  on a physical basis that you are not accepting of  on an emotional level.  Where does all that frustration go?

When you receive a parking ticket because you were unaware that the meter was broken  and you were unjustly fined,  you have to accept the fine  physically because it is the law, but emotionally you feel violated and you do not accept the citation as  justified.  On one hand, you physically accepted the fine and on the other hand you rejected it.  Most of us would fight to  to get the ticket revoked. Somehow we lack that same  convictions regarding other aspects of acceptance.

When it comes to your health, your relationships,  Your profession, and your finances , most of us are not so quick to fight back and reject what we have been dished out. Many of us choose to complain about our life .  We  forgo the opportunity to change our circumstances.

 Paul Cellar, came into this world as a premature baby and has had a life long struggle with the late effects of  her low body weight at birth.  She has created great success in her life by fine tuning her attitude regarding accepting the fact that she was born with cerebral palsy and is legally blind in one eye and totally blind in the other.   Paula says, “learning to accept what we cannot change is an art form and requires mental toughness”.  In this half hour with Paula, she shares some really great advice on how to become more accepting of your own life.  You will also hear how this amazing lady manages her world and the art of acceptance.

Paula wants to help you become accepting of your own life. Examine what acceptance means to you, on a physical, emotional, and intellectual level.  She welcomes your comments  and asked that you reply on our  Facebook Fan Page: On Our Disabilities What you have to say can make a differnce in someone else’s life.

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