How much time do you spend telling yourself you are not good enough?  I don’t know about you, but I have listened to that small voice in my head telling me that I just wasn’t smart enough, thin enough, young enough, good looking enough, and on and on and on. Do remember when you first began holding yourself back from achieving your dreams because fear  of failure entered the picture?

Negative self talk is deadly.  You can talk yourself out of almost anything. The bottom line is your thoughts create what you project to the world.  Yes, insecurity shows on the outside. Have you ever been at a crowded meeting and someone you didn’t know  enters the rooms with total confidence.  I bet you thought to yourself, “who is that”? More than likely everyone else thought the ssame thing.  It was nothing more than their attitude. The way they felt about themselves came shinning through. They looked like someone you wanted to know.

The good news about all this secret self demeaning talk is that it can be totally reversed.  It’s easier than you think and it can be liberating.

My guest on Never Say Impossible, episode 37 part 2, knows exactly how to unlash the super star you truly are. Amy Ahlers, The Wake-Up Call Coach and bestselling author, is on a mission to wake up your Inner Superstar so you shine bright!

Amy is the founder  of Wake Up Call Coaching.  Her first book, Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves: Ditch your Inner Critic and Wake Up Your Inner Superstar was released in October 2011 by New World Library and shot up to #1 in several categories on Amazon, including Self-Help, Happiness and Self-Esteem.

The Wake-Up Call Coaching Mission

Wake-Up Call Coaching is on a mission to help women see how powerful, amazing and magnificent they are. We know how hard women can be on themselves and we are taking a STAND to say enough is enough with the relentless inner trash talk. Let’s turn our inner world into a place filled with love, truth and compassionate.

To learn more and start changing your life  right away, listen to the interview below.

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